Live gay sex show amsterdam

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Henk is the tourguide for the GAY LGBT History Tour and also available for public speaking. Your guide Henk is a great historian and story teller according to earlier participants.Ĭheck tickets for available dates, starting at the Homo monument. We start at the Homo monument and end at “het Mandje”, the oldest gay bar in the world on the Zeedijk.

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The tour takes you on a trip through historic Amsterdam and goes from the 17th Century until 2001 the year of GAY marriage. In the roaring 80's and 90’s Amsterdam was the GAY capital of the world. The Netherlands was the first country in the world with a monument for LGBT victims and the first country where same sex marriages were legal.

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Get to know Amsterdam as you have never known before. When you visit Amsterdam and wonder what to do? Things to do? Thinking out of the box? Getting to know Amsterdam and a hidden side of it. GAY LGBT History Tour Amsterdam : 400 years of gay lgbt history.Īmsterdam as front runner in GAY LGBT rights in the world

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